Watch our interviews of Hong Kong entrepreneurs
("852" = 8 minutes, 5 questions, 2 plugs)

E20: Brent Deverman, Now Shenzhen

E19: Diego Dultzin Lacoste, OnTheList

E18: Stuart Bailey, Connected Retail Experiences

E17: Joanna Hotung, KG Group

E16: David Rosa, Neat

E15: Anthony Ng, Nikushou

E14: Ivan Ivanov, Uvecon.VC

E13: Ashley Dudarenok, Alarice & ChoZan

E12: Daniel Hagos, Emarsys

E11: Charles d'Haussy, Consensys

E10: Jayne Chan, StartMeUp HK (Invest HK)

E9: Shea Stanley, Little Steps Asia

E8: Chris Kyme, Kymechow

E7: Doug Woodring, Ocean Recovery Alliance

E6: Arthur Cheung, Practicology

E5: Minesh Pore, Global Sources

E4: Pia Wong, Bring Me a Book

E3: Mathieu Toulemonde, Agorize Asia

E2: Rebecca Fannin, Silicon Dragon

E1: Nathan Khan, LinkedIn

Ashley Dudarenok interviews Napoleon Biggs, Founder of Web Wednesday

Digital China Talk by Ashley Dudarenok

LinkedIn Top Voice 2019 and China Marketing Expert, Ashley Galina Dudarenok, interviews Napoleon Biggs, Initiator of #852RebootHK.

Her questions: "Is there still hope for Hong Kong? 🤔After months of social unrest, dying tourism and now Covid19 - how will it all effect the life and business in the Fragrant Harbour? 🇭🇰 Today I’m with Napoleon Biggs 拿破崙 talking about all these and much more."

What's your take on Hong Kong's future??? 🤔

Follow Ashley's hashtag #ashleytalks on LinkedIn for even more insights on China, marketing and leadership.